Friday, March 2, 2012


Been quiet around these parts... One reason is because my camera is dead and without it, well, I am pretty depressed! Yes, that is a drama filled word but this woman needs her camera. I studied Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in school and I think I missed the day they talked about the camera but I know Maslow must have hit on it. So basically, I have layed low in our house and just gone about life as normal. No fun activities for failure of documentation. Yes, it is that bad. I love my camera. Just sayin'.

Just the other day my wonderful neighbor (have I told you she is also an awesome photographer too?) said that she has an older camera that she has not used in ages and felt like it was time to part ways. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Well, I held it yesterday and it was love. Things are looking up and my husband thinks I am now on the upswing of my depression! I joke but he was laughing so hard at my excitement! So, after a few little tweaks of the camera, passover of some hard earned cash this camera will be mine and life can continue. Thrilled.

Other things that have been filling my mind is the thought of Lent. Not ready to go in depth but I am quiet and content at the places I have been of late. God has been meeting me right where I need Him and for that I am thankful. Any momma knows that finding quiet with children can be challenging so the ability to be fluid and flexible during this season is key. Little less time in front of a screen and more time filling the cup of relationships. Pouring into these children and family who look to me for guidance. Pouring into my home but also turning around and being filled. Sometimes my cup gets empty and I forget the giver of Life but I am thankful for forgiveness and isn't that what Lent is all about anyway? Forgiveness? And drawing near to Him who gave so much for us.

Quiet, listening, silence so we can hear. So we can feel with our hearts. Overwhelming at times but so needed. Praying you find some quiet so you can draw closer to Him, the author of your life!

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